Entries by Andy Verzea

Construction Begins!

We are excited to announce a huge milestone: construction on Phoenix Commons has officially begun! We are in the very early stages of construction, but as you can see from the following photos, there is lots of action on the site each day. Be sure to check our blog weekly for construction updates!    

More Evidence That Walking Keeps Seniors Independent Longer

At Phoenix Commons, we love to point out the superb walkability of our location. A new study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Assocation validates this enthusiasm for walking. The authors of the study designed what is arguably the most ambitious experiment ever to measure the effects of exercise on seniors, using […]

The Trend Is Clear: Boomers Prefer an Urban Retirement

For anyone involved in the senior housing industry, the recent uptick in media coverage has been remarkable. From the PBS NewsHour segment on senior homesharing, to the New York Times article on elderly New Yorkers being priced out of the city, there is clearly a growing awareness of the insufficiency of our nation’s senior housing […]

Do you have questions about Senior Co-housing?

Come to this event to learn more about co-housing and what is available for seniors. Lauren Zimmerman-Cook, CFO of Phoenix Commons, will discuss the growing trend of senior co-housing. As part of the team putting together the Bay Area’s first senior co-housing community, Lauren will explain how this solution addresses the unmet housing needs of […]

The Science of Older & Wiser

How important is wisdom as we become older? In her recent New York Times article, Phyllis Korkki writes that wisdom is the most important quality we can possess to age successfully and be able to confront the issues of physical decline and death. Facing those challenges armed with the positive well being and kindness that […]

Phoenix Commons Leading the Way for Oakland’s Waterfront Renaissance

At our groundbreaking ceremony, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan spoke about the numerous development projects underway along the waterfront of the Oakland/Alameda Estuary. Ambitious projects such as the logistics and warehousing center on the former Oakland Army Base, and the 3,100-unit Brooklyn Basin project which just broke ground, are symbols of Oakland’s resurgence as a great […]

Eyes, Vision, and Aging

Come to this FREE educational event presented by Dr. Meredith Whiteside, from U.C. Berkeley School of Optometry, and learn how to take care of your eyes and protect your vision. Everyone’s vision can change with age, some changes are normal, but losing vision is not a normal part of getting older! Older adults are at […]

Adding Life to Years

Adding life to years is the concluding message of this great little video commissioned by the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO). It was released back in 2012 to coincide with World Health Day, but our society’s need to hear this message is more urgent than ever. The video addresses the many stereotypes that hold […]