Entries by Andy Verzea

Construction Update: March 6, 2015

With safety in mind, crews have been installing solid steel pillars to hold up wooden catwalks (Pic. 1). Being in a busy urban environment means that construction occasionally stops traffic, both vehicle and pedestrian; most folks are patient and even enjoy watching the work in progress (Pic. 2). Our corner on Glascock Ave. can be […]

Construction Update: February 27, 2015

It’s full steam ahead at the Phoenix Commons construction site, where the wood framing is almost complete for the third floor! (Pic. 1). The northwestern face of the building, which will enjoy beautiful summer sunsets over San Francisco, can be seen here hiding behind a wall of scaffolding (Pic. 2). Southwest-facing units will enjoy views […]

Construction Update: February 20, 2015

At the Phoenix Commons construction site, wood framing of the upper levels continues according to schedule! With the entire second floor now framed, crews have started working on the third floor units (Pic. 1). For a better sense of the inner courtyard, which will provide plenty of opportunities for neighborly interaction, it helps to see […]

Phoenix Commons Supports Bay Area Culture

With its location in Oakland’s Jingletown Art District, and right on Alameda’s doorstep, Phoenix Commons is a haven for lovers of art and culture. Even though the building is still months away from completion, the community is already making connections with local artists and institutions. One of these is Rhythmix Cultural Works, a nonprofit artist […]

Construction Update: February 10, 2015

Coming on or off the Park Street Bridge, it’s impossible to miss the rapid construction progress of Phoenix Commons (Pic. 1). Scaffolding helps crews construct the condo units along the outer edge of the building (Pic. 2). The large window frames will allow plenty of light to come in from both sides of each unit […]

Feb. 18: Free Educational Seminar on Hearing

Unlike many communities with a predominantly 55+ population, Phoenix Commons advocates a philosophy of conscious aging, in which community members openly acknowledge the issues associated with their aging and find ways to support one another as they grow into elderhood. Education is a crucial component of this approach to aging, as it raises awareness of […]

Construction Update: February 5, 2015

With the podium level concrete finished, crews are now putting up wood frames for the second floor’s private condos (Pic. 1). The building will now quickly grow vertically, eventually becoming the visual centerpiece of this gateway between Oakland and Alameda (Pic. 2). The wood frames are very helpful in providing a sense of how large […]

Construction Update: January 27, 2015

Another week, another big milestone in the construction progress of Phoenix Commons: cement has been poured over the second floor podium level (Pic. 1), providing a glossy white coating that almost looks like snow (Pic. 2)! The balmy weather and palm trees quickly remind us that we are in coastal California, allowing the construction workers […]

Construction Update: January 13, 2015

It’s been another beautiful, sunny week in the Bay Area – a gorgeous 65 degrees here today! – providing our construction crews with a reprieve from last month’s damp conditions. With the pouring of the 2nd floor concrete slab only a week away, the grid of steel bars and cables is growing thicker by the […]

“Hygge” and the Danish Roots of Cohousing

If you browse around Denmark’s official tourism website, you may come across an article on the art of hygge. The word (pronounced ‘hooga’) may seem strange to American ears, but the concept of hygge is very familiar to anyone who has ever spent time in a cohousing community, and certainly to the members of Phoenix […]